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  • Kenwood Pet Clinic

Name: Shiloh

Age - 13 years young

Shiloh was rescued from Animal Control at 9 months of age and earned her name (aka ShyShy, Hidey Shidey) because she was so frightened and under-socialized. With lots of love, she faced her fears and worked her way all the way through to her proudest moment: her first obedience title, the AKC Canine Good Citizen award. She has been a treasured nanny dog through the years to her human sibling, and sweet mama dog to many pet siblings and foster dogs. At age 13, her favorite thing in the world is relaxing with a bully stick in the dog bed that is closest to the fireplace.

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  • Kenwood Pet Clinic

Name: Otto

Age: 13w and 2 days!

Likes: Cuddling with his big sister Eggs and snuggles with mom :)

Dislikes: When Eggs is too tired to play :(

Otto wants to be a firefighter cat because he likes to climb but mom would be too scared to let him!

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  • Kenwood Pet Clinic

Bella is named Isabella, with the idea that we’d call her Bella when she was especially sweet and Izzie when she was naughty. She will be 2years old in May and has never been called Izzie.

She has a very specific low iron diet. Every day she get protein pellets and lots of low iron fruit. Her favorites are blueberries, raspberries, and bananas.

My husband gets her up early every morning and she cuddles in bed with us - under the covers. When we get up she’s especially active jumping between her cage and us while we watch tv and drinking coffee. She’s very persistent in trying to sneak a sip of our coffee - that’s a big no no.

She’s been a wonderful delight to our family.

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