Our exotic pet of the month is King Garfield, a 7 year-old Variable Kingsnake!
What are King Garfield's likes & dislikes?
Garfield likes sitting in pockets and being carried around, I’m his favorite moving tree lol. He likes when he just wakes up and gets to be held in a very warm hand, but he dislikes getting woken up at the wrong time. He really loves to boop noses and sit outside in the summer. He’s a very chill boi.
What is his favorite memory of his life so far? Either when he got to meet his besties for the first time (a ball python, and his roommate cats bc they’re all obsessed with him) or when his mom decided to give him double the food (which was actually just 2 very very small portion mice but he ate the 2nd one like he would never see food again, dude loves to eat)